Benefits of Curd eating in Summer Season, Why you should eat curd in summer?

Benefits of Curd

Benefits of Curd eating in Summer Season : Summer Season is very hot. It is a time when weather getting very hot and humid. In Summer season curd eating is beneficial for health. it cool our body and hydrate. Curd is delicious food that can help you beat the heat and stay healthy.

Curd is a good source of probiotics, which are live bacteria that are beneficial for good health. Probiotics helps in fighting with harmful bacteria and viruses. They can also help us to improve digestion and reduce the digestive problems.

Curd is good source of probiotics but it is also a good source of protein and calcium. Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue in our body and calcium is important for strong bones and teeth. Curd has also nutrients, such as vitamin B12, potassium, and magnesium.

Here are benefits of eating curd in summer:

Helps with digestion: Curd’s probiotics can help to keep the gut healthy and improve digestion. This can be especially helpful in summer season when weather is hot.

Boosts immunity: Curd’s probiotics can also help to boost the our immune system. This can help to protect you from getting sick, especially during the summer when colds and flu are more common in this season.

Help in weight loss: Curd is a low-calorie food and is high in protein. This makes it a filling food that can help you feel full for longer, which can promote weight loss.

Good for bone health: Curd is a good source of calcium. Calcium is more important for our strong bones and teeth. This is also beneficial for women who are on the high risk of osteoporosis in their life later.

Cooling effect: Curd has a cooling effect on the body, which can help to regulate body temperature during hot weather. This can be helpful for people who feel hot and uncomfortable in summer.

How to eat curd in summer (benefits of eating curd)

There are many different ways to eat curd in summer. You can eat it as a snack, add it to smoothies, use it as a base for dips and spreads, or make it into lassi. Curd is also a good ingredient for baking and cooking.

Here are some ideas for how to eat curd in summer:

Plain curd as a snack: Eat a bowl of plain curd as a snack to help keep you feeling full and satisfied in summer season.

Curd smoothies: Add curd to your favorite smoothies to add protein and nutrients.

Curd dips and spreads: Use curd as a base for dips and spreads to serve with vegetables, crackers, or pita bread.

Lassi: Make lassi, a refreshing drink made with curd, water, and spices.

Curd in baking and cooking: Use curd as an ingredient in your favorite baked goods or cooked dishes to add moisture and richness.


Can lactose-intolerant individuals consume curd?

Yes, lactose-intolerant individuals can still consume curd. The fermentation process breaks down lactose, the sugar in milk, making curd easier to digest for those with lactose intolerance.

Is flavored curd as healthy as plain curd?

Flavored curd may contain added sugars and artificial ingredients, reducing its health benefits. It’s best to opt for plain curd without added flavors or sweeteners to reap maximum nutritional advantages.

How much curd should I consume in a day?

The recommended daily intake of curd varies depending on individual needs. Generally, consuming one to two cups of curd as part of a balanced diet is considered beneficial.

Can curd be included in weight loss diets?

Yes, curd can be included in weight loss diets due to its low calorie and high protein content. It provides satiety and helps control cravings, supporting weight management efforts.

Is homemade curd better than store-bought curd?

Homemade curd is often considered healthier as it doesn’t contain any additives or preservatives. However, if choosing store-bought curd, opt for natural and organic varieties with minimal ingredients.