Producer & director Kumar Raj’s feature film ‘Tara’ was officially selected, screened & received awards, appreciation & received certificates at the “ Cafe Irani Chai Film Festival 2020” held on 13th March 2020.
The award was handed over by his Excellency Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mr. Alikhani and the Hon’ble Prof. Dr. Ashouri Director Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The award ceremony was held at Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Marine Drive in Mumbai. The Festival Director was Mr.Mohan Das. Producer-Director Kumar Raj’s feature film Tara & the internationally famous lead actress Rekha Rana received the “Best Actress Award” for film Tara.
Producer & Director Mr. Kumar Raj is Internationally very famous & has received until today 181 International awards & 281 official selections at international film festivals worldwide & he is busy completing his shoots for next feature film “ Yahaan Ameena Bikte Hai”