Delhi Election 2020: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal took a roadshow in north-west Delhi’s Matiala Assembly on Thursday and he challenges BJP. A huge number of people and App workers came to Kejriwal roadshow. Kejriwal, atop an open yellow-colored jeep, waved to the general public and shook arms with them as his roadshow moved via the slim lanes of the Matiala Assembly. Arvind Kejriwal was also accompanied by Matiala MLA Gulab Singh Yadav.
Holding placards in the help of assorted schemes of the federal government, together with free healthcare, and electrical energy, AAP supporters danced to the tune of ‘Lage Raho Kejriwal’ (the social gathering‘s anthem). Shakuntala Devi, a 42-year-old homemaker, peeped from her window because the roadshow moved previous her home.
A 42-year-old homemaker lady Shakuntala Devi said that she is very happy to vote for Aam Admi Party. She said that she has a good option in this Delhi Election 2020, otherwise, if APP did not exist in Delhi then she either give the vote to BJP or Congress at last. She said that Aam Admi Party worked hard work and done many good things related to public affairs in Delhi. Two homes forward, Ramesh Gaur stated he’s additionally planning to vote for the AAP within the upcoming polls.
Ramesh Gaur said that he is a congress supporter but in Delhi Election 2020, He will give the vote to APP Party. It would be interesting to see if they are able to fulfill their promises made for the next five years. In the final section of campaigning, Kejriwal will maintain eight ‘Town Hall’ periods in totally different areas of Delhi and also will perform common roadshows in numerous meeting constituencies.
Delhi Assembly polls will likely be held on 8 February and the counting of votes will be held on 11th February. After voting and counting of votes, the decision of Delhi people will be public. Arbind Kejriwal fights Delhi Election 2020 on the basis of his work and he also challenges BJP to fight the election on local issues of Delhi.